Can I Get My Moles Removed?

Jun 25, 2023
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Can I Get My Moles Removed?

Moles are small growths that can appear almost anywhere on the face or body. Though most lesions are harmless, some consider having moles removed for cosmetic or medical reasons. Dermatologist Dr. Jean-Denis Boucher provides information about moles and the importance of consulting a qualified professional before proceeding with removal.

Based on your case, we may recommend a simple shaving technique, cryotherapy, or surgical excision. Call now to book a consultation in Live Oak or San Antonio, TX, and see why so many patients trust Lone Star State Dermatology Clinic for their care. We strive to provide the best and most up-to-date treatments available.

What do moles look like?

Moles are growths that present in various shapes and sizes. Some moles appear at birth, while others develop later in life as cells in the skin called melanocytes grow together. Normal moles are uniform in color and appear as a shade of tan or brown. Moles are typically round with smooth borders and are about the size of a pencil eraser.

When should moles be removed?

People tend to feel self-conscious about their moles and seek removal for cosmetic reasons. However, moles that exhibit unusual characteristics, such as changes in color, shape, or size, could indicate a potential health risk and require medical attention. A dermatologist will need to examine the mole to determine whether it should be biopsied and tested for cancer.

There are several reasons why individuals may choose to have their moles removed in Live Oak or San Antonio, TX:

  • Cosmetic concerns: Moles that are large or visible can make you feel embarrassed or cause self-esteem issues.
  • Irritation or discomfort: Moles may be painful if they are in a location that frequently rubs against clothing or jewelry.
  • Suspicious or changing moles: Moles that change over time require an evaluation by a dermatologist to rule out potential skin conditions.

The mole removal process

A consultation at Lone Star State Dermatology Clinic is necessary before getting started with lesion removal. During this assessment, Dr. Boucher will examine your skin and assess the mole for any potential problems. Depending on the size of your mole, we may recommend a simple surgical excision, mole shaving, or cryotherapy. They are all designed to offer minimal scarring and excellent results.

Is removing a mole safe?

Lesion removal is safe when completed by a qualified professional. Dr. Boucher takes all necessary precautions and offers local anesthesia for your comfort. Post-treatment care instructions are also provided to ensure that you heal properly. These guidelines may include keeping the area clean, protecting yourself from sun exposure, and avoiding certain activities until you have healed.

What happens after mole removal?

Following treatment, it is normal to experience mild discomfort, redness, and scabbing in the treated area. Healing varies depending on the technique used. Avoid picking or scratching at your skin during recovery to ensure the best possible outcome. Monitor yourself for signs of infection or delayed healing and attend any follow-up appointments as recommended by our staff.

Ask about mole removal in San Antonio

Mole removal can help improve your appearance and reduce your risk of skin cancer. A board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Jean-Denis Boucher can help determine if this is the right choice for your needs. Contact Lone Star State Dermatology Clinic in Live Oak or San Antonio, TX to book a consultation today. Our team is dedicated to providing effective treatments and outstanding care.