What Type of Cancer is Treated With Superficial Radiation Therapy?

Sep 24, 2021
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What Type of Cancer is Treated With Superficial Radiation Therapy?

Any amount of sunlight exposure to the skin increases the risk of skin cancer. Fortunately, most skin cancers are treatable when caught in the early stages. Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Jean-Denis Boucher with Lone Star State Dermatology Clinic evaluates and treats patients in San Antonio and Live Oak, TX who have or who are suspected to have skin cancer. Dr. Boucher is qualified to administer several types of skin cancer treatments, including superficial radiation therapy (SRT).

What is skin cancer?

Skin cancer can present as a skin irregularity, such as a mole or a lesion. Such irregularities can be harmless, but skin cancer is possible if the skin changes are new or change in shape or color. That is why it’s essential to obtain regular skin checkups to confirm or rule out skin cancer as early as possible.

How to help detect skin cancer early

Dr. Boucher of Lone Star State Dermatology Clinic runs thorough assessments and screenings for skin cancer. However, it is important for people to be aware of what early signs of skin cancer could look like and to schedule an appointment with a specialist if there are any new and concerning skin changes or anomalies. This could include new lesions or moles and changes in shape, size, texture, and color to skin irregularities.

Is skin cancer treatable?

If skin cancer is detected in the early stages, then it is treatable. Dr. Boucher will conduct assessments, which may include ordering a biopsy of the irregular tissue. Biopsy results will reveal whether the skin is benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). If biopsy results show cancerous cells, then Dr. Boucher will order follow-up visits to discuss a treatment plan.

What is superficial radiation therapy?

Superficial radiation therapy (SRT) is a nonsurgical treatment that can be conducted in the Lone Star State Dermatology Clinic in San Antonio or Live Oak, TX. SRT is used to primarily treat basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

What is basal cell carcinoma?

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common skin cancer and is simple to treat with superficial radiation therapy if caught early enough. The skin develops a pearl-like, flesh-colored growth or a reddish patch over the skin that can bleed or ooze. Basal cell carcinoma tends to affect fair-skinned individuals and can form on the neck, arms, and face.

What is squamous cell carcinoma?

Squamous cell carcinoma often presents as a nonhealing scab or sore on the skin. The texture is scaly and appears as a wart-like growth or a hard, red bump. Squamous cell carcinoma, if left untreated, can spread across the skin.

What if I have a different type of skin cancer?

Some patients will have a type of skin cancer called melanoma, which is the most serious skin cancer in existence. Melanoma usually presents as a new mole or changes to an already existing mole on the skin. If Dr. Boucher’s assessments detect melanoma, then further testing and treatment options will be recommended. Lone Star State Dermatology Clinic offers skin cancer surgical interventions, including excisions, curettages, and Mohs surgery to scrape or cut out cancerous tissues.

Get superficial radiation therapy in San Antonio or Live Oak, TX

If you reside in or around San Antonio or Live Oak, TX, and have concerns about any skin irregularities, contact Dr. Jean-Denis Boucher at Lone Star State Dermatology Clinic today. If screenings reveal basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma, superficial radiation therapy may be the right skin cancer intervention for you.