Where Can Basal Cell Carcinoma Develop on the Face?

May 22, 2023
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Where Can Basal Cell Carcinoma Develop on the Face?

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) tends to develop in sun-exposed areas like the face and neck. Though BCC is considered slow-growing, it can cause serious damage when left untreated. A dermatologist like Dr. Jean-Denis Boucher can provide more information about BCC and where it tends to develop.

Do you have questions about skin cancer? Call Lone Star State Dermatology Clinic to book an appointment and speak with a team member in San Antonio or Live Oak, TX. We focus on offering comprehensive care to patients with a wide variety of skin conditions. Our goal is to deliver the best treatment and support possible.

What causes basal cell carcinoma, and who is at risk?

Basal cell carcinoma is caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and tanning beds, although factors such as genetics play a role. UV rays damage the DNA in our skin, causing the cells to divide rapidly and form cancer. Though people with fair skin are at higher risk for BCC, anyone can develop skin cancer with prolonged sun exposure.

Patients should be aware of the signs and symptoms of basal cell carcinoma so they can seek treatment as soon as possible. Speak with a dermatologist in San Antonio or Live Oak, TX about your individual risk factors and how to protect yourself from UV radiation.

What does BCC look like?

Basal cell carcinoma varies in appearance based on where it develops and how long it has been present. It may look like a sore, lump, or scaly patch that won’t heal properly even with at-home care. In many cases, BCC can be mistaken for other skin conditions, so it’s important to have any suspicious spots checked by a dermatologist.

Where does BCC develop on the face?

Basal cell carcinoma can develop anywhere on the face, but it most commonly appears on sun-exposed areas like the forehead, nose, and cheeks. Lone Star State Dermatology Clinic recommends performing self-examination of your face and body at least once a month so you can monitor any new or changing spots.

How do you examine yourself for BCC?

There are a few ways to assess your skin for cancer:

  • Use a mirror: Find a small handheld mirror and examine all parts of your face and neck. Look for any new or changing spots that shouldn’t be there.
  • Use a camera: Take pictures with a smartphone or camera so you can compare any changes more easily over time.
  • Get help from a partner or family member: Ask someone you trust to look at hard-to-see areas like the back of your neck. They can spot lesions that need further investigation.

How successful is skin cancer treatment?

Dr. Boucher strives to provide comprehensive treatments when concerns like basal cell carcinoma are identified. Surgery is one common approach to removing cancer, and in many cases, it is highly successful. Our team at Lone Star State Dermatology Clinic is happy to discuss all options and address any questions or concerns about BCC.

Learn more about BCC detection and treatment

Basal cell carcinoma can be treated fairly easily if caught early. To book an appointment with an experienced dermatologist in San Antonio or Live Oak, TX, contact Lone Star State Dermatology Clinic today. Dr. Jean-Denis Boucher can help you understand your risk and provide effective solutions in terms of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Call now to get started.